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The school expects high standards of behaviour based on mutual respect, responsibility, trust, Christian values and a sense of belonging to and being a valued member of the school.

Positive behaviour management strategies will be used throughout the school to ensure this environment is developed and constantly reinforced.  Children's achievements are celebrated in a special Celebration Assembly held every Friday. Rewards also include stickers, certificates, praise and the opportunity to share their work with other staff and children. Good behaviour at break and lunch times is also rewarded.

Everyone at Staverton CE Primary School has the right to feel welcome, secure and happy. We say no to Bullying, whether verbal or physical.  We are a ‘telling’ school and ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal with them appropriately.

Our Behaviour Policy can be accessed below:



Online Safety Websites

About Us

Situated in the picturesque village of Staverton, our small village school is a well established and integral part of the local community. We enjoy very secure links with our local church, St. Mary's, and the strong Christian ethos and family feel within our school is shared with all of our visitors. In August 2014, our school became an academy, joining the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust. 


Contact Details

Staverton CE Primary School
Glebe Lane,
Staverton, Daventry,
NN11 6JF
Tel: 01327 703154

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Visit the Peterborough Diocese


Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton
NN4 7YD Tel: 01604 887056