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Reading and Writing

We prioritise the teaching of reading and aim to ensure that all children become successful readers.  All pupils are encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world they live in, to establish an appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum.  Reading comprehension develops through pupils’ experience of high-quality discussion, as well as from reading a range of stories, poems and non-fiction.  We intend that all pupils understand and can articulate what it is to be a ‘good reader’. 

English at Staverton encompasses reading and writing through the sharing of quality texts, identifying features and skills within these, and then applying them in the children’s independent work. Our journey begins in the Early Years where children are taught phonics using the Read Write Inc programme. Reading books are matched to each child’s ability to make sure that the book they bring home is fully decodable to them, ensuring a confident, successful read. Children also take home picture books to encourage reading for pleasure and a love of reading.  Through a sequence of learning, children will be taught how to apply new skills before they apply them into their writing.  The children often engage with ‘short burst’ writing, beginning with a stimulus such as a video clip, a piece of music or a fascinating image to ignite their imagination and creativity to express themselves through writing.

Upon the completion of the phonics reading scheme, children use ‘Accelerated Reader’ to determine their reading level and choose a book from our school library that is within the book band that matches their current ability.  As the children move through the school, they will meet a range of different text types and will experience hearing and reading work by a variety of authors and poets.


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We use ‘Read Write Inc’ to teach children phonics.  The children are taught within the phase that is appropriate to their level of development. They are assessed on a regular basis and groups are set up accordingly.  The phonemes (sounds) are systematically taught before the children are shown how to blend them for reading and segmenting them for writing.  All staff received training in the teaching of phonics in October 2022 which ensures consistent delivery and nteractive sessions that engage and motivate the children. 

Children take home a ‘phonics reading book’ linked to the phonic phase they are learning. Adults in school read regularly with children to check books provide opportunities for consolidation and challenge. 

In EYFS/KS1 phonics is taught daily.

Phonics is taught through the ‘Speed Sounds’ lessons from the Read Write Inc programme. All KS1/EYFS staff are trained to deliver this programme and each session is structured as follows:

Say the sound: (e.g. ee)

Read the sound: (e.g. ee-what can you see?)

Review the sound: (spot the new sound in the pack).

Read the words: (phonics word cards-e.g. see, three, been, green, seen, sleep).

Review the words: (words from previous lessons).

Reading assessment: (children read a few nonsense words)

Spell with Fred Fingers: (words to spell choose 2-3 e.g. see, three, been, green, seen sleep).

Spell review: (children write 2-3 previously taught words).

As the children read the word cards, they are encouraged to look for special friendsFred Talk and finally to read the word. As they review the words, speedy reading is preceded with Fred in your head to build up effective blending skills.

Alongside the structure of the Speed Sounds lesson, Read Write Inc is based on the 3Ps-pace, participation and praise. We believe that these foster positive learning behaviours.

Pace- Signals such as ‘my turn, your turn’ indicate when the children need to watch their adult and when it is time for them to have a go. 

Participation-All children are expected to participate and work together co-operatively.   

Praise-Children’s efforts are praised using genuine and specific feedback. ‘Team cheers’ are used to celebrate success.

Assessment and Groupings

Children are grouped according to their sound knowledge. The children are organised into groups across KS1 to ensure that each child is focussing on the set of sounds appropriate to their learning needs. Some groups will contain a mixture of Year 1 and Year 2 children. The children are assessed every half term and class teachers then review these phonic groups and set up new groups for the next term.  

Where gaps are identified or progress is slower, these children receive extra phonics support. 

Red Words (Tricky Words)

Class R learn to read/spell the red words in set 1 and set 2.

Class 1 learn to read/spell the red words in set 2 and set 3.

Class 2 learn to read/spell the red words in set 3 and set 4.

Set 1

I   the   my   by   you   your   said   are   be   of   no  

Set 2

all   was   so   go   do   to   her   want   old  

we   me   he   she   they   put   push   pull   full     

Set 3

come   some   who   what   when   why   were   here   there   where   love   one   once   ask   have   like      little    friend   school   house  

Set 4

should   would   could   half   over   laugh   don’t   these   can’t   any    many   people   water   because   thought   bought   does   talk   walk   Mr   Mrs   great   son   watch   brother   their   worse   caught   other   another   through   baby   only   even   mother   eye   every   grey  

Useful phonics links for parents and carers:

 - how to say the sounds.

 - link to sound blending.

Read Write Inc set 2 and 3 sounds:

Letter formation rhymes to support handwriting:

Reading for pleasure:

We promote a love of reading in our school in lots of different ways.   We have an outdoor book hut where children can choose a book to take home and read.  Any book donations gratefully received.

 Reading hut

We have books swaps in school where children can exchange books with each other.- this is our latest one in April 2022.

Book swap 1Book swap 2

It was lovely to see children in Sunflowers' choosing books to read in the playground.


September 2022

We have invested in whole school staff training in the Read, Write, Inc Programme and re-resourced all our teaching resources, including new Read, Write, Inc books and resources for the children.  We have also invested in new books for children in Key Stage 2 to promote a love of reading and the children in these classes helped to choose the books they would like to read!



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About Us

Situated in the picturesque village of Staverton, our small village school is a well established and integral part of the local community. We enjoy very secure links with our local church, St. Mary's, and the strong Christian ethos and family feel within our school is shared with all of our visitors. In August 2014, our school became an academy, joining the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust. 


Contact Details

Staverton CE Primary School
Glebe Lane,
Staverton, Daventry,
NN11 6JF
Tel: 01327 703154

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Visit the Peterborough Diocese


Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton
NN4 7YD Tel: 01604 887056