Upcoming Events
Staverton Pages Article Count: 51
Class 1 Updates Article Count: 3
Welcome to Class One
Reception - Mrs Harlin
In Class 1 we really value the relationships we form with parents and work hard to ensure our children have a happy and secure start to school. We aim to provide the very best start to primary schooling.
We enjoy learning by investigating the world around us. We encourage and support each child’s growing independence as well as nurture lifelong learning. Children are given the opportunity to explore their surroundings through creative and independent learning experiences.
One of our priorities in Class 1 is the teaching of Phonics, daily, to aid the children’s learning. We hold a Parents' Information Evening early in the Autumn term which includes a focus on Phonics so that parents can help their child at home.
Class 2 Updates Article Count: 3
Welcome to Class Two
Year 1 and Year 2 - Mrs Wookey
In Class 2, we continue to build upon the foundations set, ensuring achievement is high. Our standards by the end of Year 2 are overall in line or above national standards.
Phonics continues to be an important part of the children’s learning in Class 2 and a Reading Evening takes place in the Autumn term. The organisation of small groups ensures that teachers are able to support pupils with their Phonics, so that they can progress at a greater pace. (See also Reading Information.)
Our Class 2 teacher uses imaginative contexts to develop and reinforce core skills in Reading, Writing and Maths. Curriculum topics consider the children’s interests, and enable learners to explore their objectives in exciting and creative ways.
Class 3 Updates Article Count: 3
Welcome to Class Three
Year 3 and Year 4 - Mrs Young
In Classes 3 and 4, we strive to ensure that our children have strong core skills in Reading, Writing & Mathematics, which are then utilised and given a context within a broad and creative curriculum.
Reading continues to be a priority; children are encouraged to read widely for pleasure, whether that is electronic material or traditional books. We also take every opportunity to read throughout the wider curriculum areas, in order to develop valuable research and information gathering skills.
Mathematics is also a priority. Encouraging an enjoyment of the subject is an integral part of Mathematics; learners at all stages are supported to find pleasure in challenge and be aspirational for themselves.
By the end of their time in Class 4, we aim for the children to be well prepared to continue successfully into secondary education and beyond.
Class 4 Updates Article Count: 3
Welcome to Class Four
Years 5 and 6 - Mrs Bell
In Classes 3 and 4, we strive to ensure that our children have strong core skills in Reading, Writing & Mathematics, which are then utilised and given a context within a broad and creative curriculum.
Reading continues to be a priority; children are encouraged to read widely for pleasure, whether that is electronic material or traditional books. We also take every opportunity to read throughout the wider curriculum areas, in order to develop valuable research and information gathering skills.
Mathematics is also a priority. Encouraging an enjoyment of the subject is an integral part of Mathematics; learners at all stages are supported to find pleasure in challenge and be aspirational for themselves.
By the end of their time in Class 4, we aim for the children to be well prepared to continue successfully into secondary education and beyond.Awards Logos Article Count: 4
Quotes Article Count: 3
School Galleries Article Count: 14
ESafety Logos Article Count: 4
OUR CHURCH SCHOOL Article Count: 50
"Above all be loving, this ties everything together perfectly"
Colossians 3:14
We had a wonderful whole school art day creating our Vision out of merino wool. Every child in our school helped to make this beautiful banner. With thanks to Staverton Education Foundation for funding this memorable day for all the children.
Our Vision
We are building what we value and everything we do is done with love. Our six school values of responsibility, friendship, honesty, compassion, respect and perseverance are all underpinned by our one all-encompassing value of love. Adults and children are known and loved and our vision guides us to live our values every day and inspire a love of learning.
Our Mission Statement
Staverton is a nurturing and aspirational church school, offering an excellent education to inspire a love of learning and shared energy to continually get better. Our vision is rooted in theology and educational philosophy, to support our children to flourish academically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. We are united in our vision having a transformational impact on the wellbeing of our whole school community. Relationships at Staverton are trusted and all successes celebrated, valuing the unique qualities of each and every one of us in our school community. We prepare our children for life beyond our doors, instilling strong Christian values to guide them to live life in all its fullness.
We have been thinking about what Spirituality means to us. Jack came up with the idea of the Holy Trinity being like a flower. The pollen is the Holy Spirit which flows everywhere. The stem is the Father who stands tall, holding everything together. The petals are the Son, who came to earth to help us all to flourish and bloom. We enjoyed creating Jack's idea of Spirituality into a mosaic. It's a lovely link with all our classes which are all named after flowers.
Please see our Policies at the sidebar of this page which including our Curriculum Map detailing how we plan for Spirituality and Courageous Advocacy.