Church Documents
Recent Church School Updates
- Our Larder of Love
- Hot Chocolate Monday!
- Christingle Service at St Mary's Church
- Evening Carol Concert at St Mary's Church
- Nativity 2024
- Our first Family Church Service at Staverton Primary School
- A special spiritual moment in time!
- Remembrance Service 2024
- The children in Poppies Class walked to church to meet Reverend Dave during Tuesday Trekkers.
- Hug 100 trees!
- Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
- Eco Council
- Our Vision of Love
- Bring a bulb to school week!
- House Captains
- Our new Worship Leaders
- Our Staverton Family filled with love 2024-2025
- Year 6 Leavers Assembly in Church
- Our Rotary Stars - children recognised for going above and beyond in showing our school's values.
- Courageous Advocay and children being agents of change to make the world a better place.
- Agents of change to make a positive difference....
- Spirituality at Staverton …
- Leah from the Lighthouse Trust drama workshops
- Our current value of friendship
- We all enjoyed a wonderful Easter service at St Mary’s church led by the children and Reverend Dave. We were delighted to hear the children’s knowledge about Holy Week. The children walked to church wearing their Easter bonnets!
- SPIRITUALITY. A child in Roses' came up with the idea of the Holy Trinity being like a flower. The pollen is the Holy Spirit which flows everywhere. The stem is the Father who stands tall, holding everything together. The petals are the Son - Jesus c
- These four children have been recognised in going above and beyond in showing our school's values. They enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows!
- our Mental Health Support Team will be in school delivering a workshop on how to support children’s mental health. Everyone very welcome! Tea and cake!
- This week at Staverton we have been celebrating World Religion Day. Our aim is to promote an understanding of all religions through learning about other people’s faiths.
- Christmas Carol Service - beautiful singing from the children.
- Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas. We thought we would share our Christmas prayer tree with you. Thank you for your lovely Christmas prayers Bluebells.
- Congratulations to the children in Poppies and Sunflowers for their wonderful nativity. Thank you to all the adults who worked so hard.
- We had a wonderful Christingle service in church last Thursday - all led by the children with beautiful bible readings and Christmas carols.
- A beautiful carol concert this evening in church. Thank you to all the children and their families for coming.
- Thank you for all our lovely staff shout outs! They make us smile when we come in to school in the morning and when we leave to go home in the evening. Flourishing together!
- Mrs Vaughan winning an Unsung Hero Runner Up Award today - many congratulations Carolyn from everyone at Staverton Primary School. This is very well deserved! Flourishing together!
- Above all be loving, this ties everything together perfectly - our ideas of what love is in action.
- School Council raising money for Children In Need by selling lots of little Pudsey Bears!
- Children's art work depicting Remembrance 2023
- RE drop down afternoon focusing on Spirituality and The Big Frieze
- Hot Chocolate Monday!
- Diwali Lanterns
- Whole School Art Day to create our Vision in felt and a celebration of Dot Day!
- Our Church School
Upcoming Events
"Above all be loving, this ties everything together perfectly"
Colossians 3:14
We had a wonderful whole school art day creating our Vision out of merino wool. Every child in our school helped to make this beautiful banner. With thanks to Staverton Education Foundation for funding this memorable day for all the children.
Our Vision
We are building what we value and everything we do is done with love. Our six school values of responsibility, friendship, honesty, compassion, respect and perseverance are all underpinned by our one all-encompassing value of love. Adults and children are known and loved and our vision guides us to live our values every day and inspire a love of learning.
Our Mission Statement
Staverton is a nurturing and aspirational church school, offering an excellent education to inspire a love of learning and shared energy to continually get better. Our vision is rooted in theology and educational philosophy, to support our children to flourish academically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. We are united in our vision having a transformational impact on the wellbeing of our whole school community. Relationships at Staverton are trusted and all successes celebrated, valuing the unique qualities of each and every one of us in our school community. We prepare our children for life beyond our doors, instilling strong Christian values to guide them to live life in all its fullness.
We have been thinking about what Spirituality means to us. Jack came up with the idea of the Holy Trinity being like a flower. The pollen is the Holy Spirit which flows everywhere. The stem is the Father who stands tall, holding everything together. The petals are the Son, who came to earth to help us all to flourish and bloom. We enjoyed creating Jack's idea of Spirituality into a mosaic. It's a lovely link with all our classes which are all named after flowers.
Please see our Policies at the sidebar of this page which including our Curriculum Map detailing how we plan for Spirituality and Courageous Advocacy.
Whole School Art Day to create our Vision in felt and a celebration of Dot Day!
On Wednesday we are having a whole school art day! We are having an artist visit our school to do workshops throughout the day. All the children will contribute to making a felt banner to reflect our school's vision. We will also be celebrating Dot Day!
Our Church School
St Mary The Virgin Church
Reverend Dave visits our school regularly to lead Collective Worship and children visit church. Seasonal church services for the whole school and parents take place at St Mary’s church for Harvest, Christmas, Easter and for our Year 6 Leavers’ Service.
Christian School Assembly Link Team
We are fortunate to have the Christian School Assembly Link Team visit our school to lead Collective Worship regularly. The assembly subjects covered sometimes tie in with themes set by our school or sometimes are decided by the team. In every case, the subject will be delivered via a Bible or Bible based story.
Worship Leaders
We have four Worship Leaders, one from each class, who help to lead Collective Worship.
Children take it in turns to play a musical instrument to welcome everyone in to the hall for Collective Worship.
Our six school values of responsibility, friendship, honesty, compassion, respect and perseverance are all underpinned by our one all-encompassing value of love. We focus on one value each half term and we strive to live our values every day.
We recognise children who have gone above and beyond in showing our school values with an ice lolly on a Friday during Celebration Assembly! Every Friday we welcome the whole school community to join us for Celebration Assembly where children’s achievements in and out of school are celebrated.
Roots and Fruits’ is used to complement the planning of Collective Worship. Worship follows a three step plan: Learning, Reflection and Responding. Collective Worship has been developed so that is is Inclusive, Invitational, and Inspirational. Christian values are the central theme to our Worship and themes are planned to tie in with these, including Bible stories that could be used to teach these values and explore ideas. We light three candles at the beginning of Collective Worship to represent the Holy Trinity. Please click here to see our Collective Worship Policy:
At the beginning of the new year our school was lucky enough to have all of it's washrooms refurbished and refitted.
We are so fortunate in this country to have these facilities and this led our school to inspire our school community to engage in social action and be courageous advocates for change in our global communities through Toilet Twinning. Our school raised over £200 which led to our new toilets being twinned with three toilets around the world. We have also organised other fund raising events such as the children making and selling Easter cakes for Ukraine which raised just over £80.
September 2022
It's great to see children reading for pleasure in our library and linking books to our school values.
Thank you Isla for decorating this beautiful cross.
The whole school enjoyed celebrating Harvest Festival at church with Reverend Dave. Beautiful singing and prayers led by Sunflowers.
On Friday 21st September Roses had a fabulous afternoon at BAPS Wellingborough Mandir. We received a lovely e-mail sharing that they were touched by the respect and curiosity shown by all the children.
Roy visited the children in Sunflowers' Class to talk about Judaism.
The children sold handmade little yellow teddies to raise money for children in need and raised £250.
Our school choir joined the church choir for a Carol Service - the children lit up the church.
Well done to all the children in Poppies' and Sunflowers' who performed a wonderful Nativity for everyone to enjoy. Thank you to all the teachers and TA's who made this possible.
Our wonderful Young Voices!
Thank you Reverend Dave for leading our Collective Worship yesterday all about honesty. The children enjoyed playing the two truths and a lie game and listening to the bible story.
Thank you George for making such a wonderful shoe box for the children in Malawi. #compassion#friendship#responsibility#living our values every day
Thank you so much - the children raised £80.
Everything we do at Staverton Primary School is driven by our school’s vision, mission and values. Take a look at our new school flags. #proudtobepartofPDET
The children in Roses' class showed so many of our school values on their trip to London.
We enjoyed a lovely Easter service this afternoon in church. The children shared their Easter art work and Easter bonnets and sang beautifully! So proud of Staverton Primary School!.
Well done! The girls raised £69.41 for The Air Ambulance.
What a wonderful afternoon our children in Y6 had yesterday experiencing a transition Prayer Space in our school. It was a time to reflect and think about the changes ahead.